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About Somatic Detection™

This program combines depth psychology, intuitive development, and shadow work. 

Depth psychology reveals the unconscious forces shaping our perceptions, decisions, and instincts, allowing us to engage with the hidden symbols, dreams, and archetypal patterns that influence our lives. When paired with intuitive development, this practice moves beyond intellectual understanding and into embodied knowing—intuition becomes a tool for navigating the liminal spaces between conscious and unconscious realms. By working with these forces intentionally, we refine our ability to discern between fear-based reactions and genuine inner guidance, ensuring that intuition is not clouded by projections or unprocessed wounds but instead emerges from a place of deep clarity and trust.


Shadow work serves as the bridge between these realms, unraveling the fears, distortions, and societal conditioning that obscure both intuition and psychological depth. Many intuitive gifts are hidden beneath layers of repression, especially for those who have been taught to fear their own knowing. By confronting and integrating the shadow, we reclaim lost aspects of ourselves, particularly the instinctual and intuitive faculties that were silenced in childhood or through cultural programming. This synthesis of depth psychology, intuition, and shadow integration does not simply awaken dormant gifts—it anchors them in a stable, grounded psyche, allowing for discernment, protection, and self-trust. In doing so, we restore our connection to the deeper, mythic self—the one who knows, sees, and moves through life with a sense of sacred authority.



This potent program is designed to connect you to your intuition and discern the ego/mind from the guidance of the psyche as you confront the shadow regarding sensitivity and empathy with supportive practices, exercises, and guided processes.

  • Learn how depth psychology reveals the hidden patterns, symbols, and beliefs shaping your thoughts, emotions, and intuitive perceptions.

  • Develop the ability to distinguish between fear-based reactions, projections, and true intuitive insight to make clearer, more confident decisions.

  • Work with shadow dynamics to uncover and integrate suppressed emotions, fears, and intuitive gifts, reducing self-doubt and internal conflict.​​

  • Understand the psychology of high sensitivity and empathy, learning how to set boundaries and use these traits as powerful tools instead of burdens.

  • Learn psychological and energetic techniques to detect hidden patterns in behaviors, relationships, and life events, enhancing intuitive accuracy.

  • Identify and release societal and personal programming that has led you to mistrust your own instincts, reclaiming your innate sense of knowing.

  • Develop a stable and structured approach to intuitive work, ensuring your insights are well-integrated and not influenced by unconscious fears or external pressures.

Somatic Detection™ Program Fee


Monthly Payment (Option One)

The monthly payment (OPTION ONE) allows you to make payments for the program fee, which is $2580 with the payment plan. Once you have started payments, you cannot stop; you will be committed to paying the total balance. The Somatic Detection™ program includes twelve prerecorded lessons, twelve live group gatherings on Zoom, guided processes, and a private community for participants. You are welcome to work through the materials at your own pace. Zoom links are emailed upon registration.


Pay in Full (Option Two)

You receive everything mentioned above in option one AND:

  •  A full pay discount

  • The Introduction to Shadow Work workshop (delivered after payment has cleared).​

Monthly Payments (Option One)

  • $215 a month (for twelve months)​

Pay  In Full (Option Two)

  • $2222 at registration (one payment)​

2025 Program Dates: TBD

Intuitive Development Blended with Shadow Work

Progressive & Advanced Program

Somatic Detection™ is a hybrid of self-paced materials, guided practices, and advanced content. Meaning, in-depth experiential, and practices to help you assimilate, illuminate, and integrate each lesson. If you want to work deeply with Melissa's guidance, creative exercises, and tools consistently together for three months, this is the program for you.​


Deliverables & Materials

Program Dates: TBD

Somatic Detection™ includes the following:

  • Lifetime Access to materials

  • Twelve audio lessons

  • Guided practices to deepen and integrate the lessons​

  • Twelve live Zoom sessions to discuss, learn, and share in the group.​

  • ​​​

Melissa's teaching style combines lecture and active process. Materials are simplified for impact and integration without too many working parts. Enjoy a potent experience with a streamlined approach. 

Program Themes

Program Overview


  • Potent, unique, creative content designed for those who love intentional work and depth. 

  • A blend of depth psychology, mythology, intuitive analysis, and lived experience to activate and stir the soul.

  • Psychological & energetic strategies.

  • Work with the psyche to uncover hidden meaning and intuitive guidance.

  • Lifetime access to all of the materials.

Program Dates: TBD

Secrets of the Dark - 2-3 RATIO - 16 x 24 in - 40 x 60 cm.jpg
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