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The Medicine of Shadow

As writers, we don't always value the potency occurring as we shift brain wave states while writing. As we sink deeper inward, relaxing the body and trusting the random impulses of sensation, thoughts, and ideas... we are in touch with the soul.

When we begin to notice the somatic (body-based) responses, yet are aware of the mysterious nature of all things, we are working in the territory of the psychoid. This field is an aspect where spirit and matter converge, and yet the psychoid denotes the archetypal experience of the 'unknowable'.

The idea is to dance in this realm, detach from what comes and goes, and allow the pen to move without placing the burden of responsibility upon it. When we are attached we expect and have an agenda... this murders our creative spirit.

Letting go and moving with the randomness of somatic sensation and movement in the mind permits soul-stirring words to reach consciousness. We can then navigate creativity in an explorative manner… transmuting fear into power.

We now intentionally move from a gamma (high alert) or alpha (relaxed but still alert) into a delta (meditative) while journaling with the creative impulses arising from the body and the soul.

This can only occur when we move beyond the mind into the body and untangle our ideas of what writing is or should be.

We keep writing.... and if we are open and relaxed, we may untangle the threads of an old story. Threads embedded with ancestral expectations. Threads that keep our truths buried.

One by one, we keep writing and unwind our threads. Eventually, if we have not given in to the mind, if we have not given into the ego, and we are still writing.... we may then experience a surge of divine impulses (also called theta bumps).

These divine impulses are the magic, the wonder, the light that is liberated from within the darkness.

Darkness incubates potential.

Darkness does not deny us of light, it is not void of light; it is the beginning and birth of a new light.

As writers, we weave the archetypal, mythological, and psychological into pure potentiality, integrating wisdom into a tangible form, so that those who read our words feel them.

As writers, we must not fear the dark, nor should we allow ourselves to become consumed by it.

Pen in hand, we transmute darkness into medicine for others.

Writing: Melissa Kim Corter

Artwork: Stephanie Lawson

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